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Human Resources

Waste Management Procedure

HomePolicy and ProceduresWaste Management Procedure

1. Purpose and Scope

The purpose of this procedure is to determine the methods to be applied for the reduction, collection, storage, transportation, recovery, and disposal of all waste generated within Data Market.

It covers all wastes generated in all regions and customer sites. Subcontractor wastes are managed in accordance with the contracts made with the subcontractor, and wastes generated at the customer site are managed in accordance with the contracts made with the customer.


2. Responsibilities

Responsible Department Main Responsibilities
Administrative Affairs Officer Responsible for implementation and coordination.
IMS Team Leader Responsible for follow-up of implementation and coordination.


3. Definitions & Abbreviations

3.1. Definitions

Definition Explanation
Solid Waste (Uncontaminated) Solid waste that is not contaminated with chemicals, is intended to be disposed of by the producer and needs to be disposed of in an orderly manner to protect the environment. Household wastes (food waste, garbage), industrial household wastes and packaging wastes (wood, nylon, cardboard, etc.) are analyzed in this category.
Hazardous Waste (Contaminated) Solid or liquid wastes that are flammable, explosive, toxic, corrosive, emit toxic gases in contact with water and air, and are defined in the Regulation on Control of Hazardous Wastes. (batteries, tires, batteries, electronic waste, chemical waste, etc.)
Medical Waste Waste contaminated with disease-carrying substances.
Transport License It is the license that the carrier company used for the transportation of hazardous wastes outside the factory must obtain from the Ministry of Environment and must be renewed every 3 years.
Disposal License It is the license that the disposal company must obtain from the Ministry of Environment and must be renewed every 3 years in order to ensure the disposal of hazardous wastes by incineration or in above-ground landfills. Ministry of Environment and must be renewed every 3 years.
Waste Area Areas where wastes are stored and labeled according to their class.

3.2. Implementation Details

3.2.1 Waste Collection

Wastes generated throughout the facility are classified in accordance with legal requirements and collected separately at the source in waste containers of the following types. The type of waste collected is identified on the waste containers.

Hazardous Wastes: Contaminated Waste (chemical, oil, paint contaminated gloves, paper, cardboard, packaging boxes, etc.)

Electronic Wastes:

Household Waste: Food Wastes. Domestic / Domestic Industrial Wastes

Recyclable Waste: Paper, cardboard, nylon, plastic, glass… waste

  • Waste paper, cardboard and packaging paper are collected in “PAPER WASTE” containers in the offices and taken to the recycling facility by the Municipality teams.
  • Plastic and nylon packaging, plastic bottles, Styrofoam waste are collected in “PLASTIC WASTE” containers in the offices and taken to the recycling facility by the Municipality teams.
  • Waste glass is collected in “GLASS WASTE” containers in the offices and taken to the recycling facility by the Municipality teams.
  • Household wastes such as food waste and extinguished cigarette butts are collected in the waste containers labeled “TRASH-HOME WASTE” in the offices and taken to the recycling facility by the Municipality teams.
  • Waste “Batteries” are collected in the “WASTE BATTERY” container kept in the units and taken by the TAP association when full.
  • Chemical packaging and contaminated hazardous wastes that may leave the units are collected in “DANGEROUS WASTE” containers and given to a licensed disposal facility.
  • Waste “Cartridges” and “Toners” are collected in “DANGEROUS WASTE” containers and sent to a licensed disposal company.
  • Medical waste is not generated as there is no infirmary, first aid interventions are performed outside the facility. Expired pharmaceutical wastes are collected in “DANGEROUS WASTE” containers and sent to licensed disposal companies.
  • Waste “Fluorescent” is card boarded so as not to break and collected in “DANGEROUS WASTE” containers in barrels and given to a licensed disposal facility.
  • Electronic waste is collected in the “ELECTRONIC WASTE” box inside the facility and given to a licensed recycling facility.
  • Waste batteries from vehicles are given to Authorized Service Centers working with licensed recycling facilities.
  • End-of-life tires considered as waste are given to Authorized Services working with licensed recycling facilities.
  • Wastewater is discharged through domestic wastewater channel connection. Samples are taken by legal authorities and the results are monitored.
  • Metal and excavation wastes are not generated as a result of the service. If they are generated, excavation waste will be sent to licensed landfills in line with the agreement with the contractor, while metal waste will be sent to the recycling facility.


3.2.2 Waste Transportation

Waste bins are sealed, and waste is not allowed to pollute the environment through leakage and spillage.

The delivery of wastes from the collection containers in the units where they are accumulated to the relevant companies is managed by the Environmental Management Representative.


3.2.3 Waste Monitoring

Waste containers are impermeable, and leaks are prevented. Absorbent materials and emergency equipment are available for the collection of chemical leaks and spills that may occur from waste. In case of a possible accident, the Environmental Management Representative is informed.

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