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Zoho Analytics

Zoho Analytics offers a comprehensive solution to streamline data analysis and reporting for businesses. Empower your team to make smarter decisions with key features like data visualization, integration, and advanced analytics, helping you optimize your workflows effectively.


Analyze your data in detail, tailored to your needs


A solution that grows with your business while safeguarding your data.

Data Analytics

Advanced capabilities for big data processing and analysis.


Collect all your data in one place with more than 500 ready-made integrations.
With Zoho Analytics

Dynamic and Interactive Dashboards

Keep your team informed with dynamic dashboards, the best way to present your data visually. Enhance your strategy with advanced charts, metrics, and custom visualization tools.

With Zoho Analytics

Predictive Analytics

Learn from historical data to forecast future trends. For example, analyze sales patterns to predict revenue for the next quarter.

With Zoho Analytics

Seamless Collaboration with Teams

Share reports and dashboards with team members, gather live feedback, and optimize your workflows together.

Zoho Analytics supports your business growth by providing data analytics and business intelligence solutions that help you make strategic decisions.

Easy Data Integration

Zoho Analytics integrates seamlessly with over 500 data sources. Combine data from Excel files, CRM platforms, social media channels, ERP systems, and more in one platform for comprehensive analysis.

User-Friendly Interface

Without dealing with complex analytical processes, create reports and design dashboards effortlessly using a simple drag-and-drop method.
About Zoho Analytics

Frequently Asked Questions

Who can use Zoho Analytics?
Zoho Analytics is suitable for teams of all sizes, from small businesses to large enterprises. It can be utilized across industries that require data analysis and reporting.
What integrations does Zoho Analytics support?
Zoho Analytics integrates with other Zoho apps (like Zoho CRM and Zoho Projects) and popular platforms such as Google Sheets, Salesforce, Excel, SQL databases, and more.
Can Zoho Analytics be used on mobile devices?
Yes, Zoho Analytics has iOS and Android apps. This allows you to view and manage your reports and analytics effortlessly on the go.
How does data visualization work in Zoho Analytics?
Zoho Analytics enables users to create interactive charts and dashboards. You can combine data from various sources for impactful visualizations.
How is user authorization managed in Zoho Analytics?
Users can be assigned different roles (administrator, analyst, viewer, etc.) in Zoho Analytics. Access permissions can be configured based on these roles to ensure data security.
How does automatic data synchronization work in Zoho Analytics?
Zoho Analytics automatically updates data from sources at predefined intervals. This ensures that your analyses are always up-to-date, minimizing manual data processing efforts

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