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Data Market is the Leader in the Server Category of the 2023 Bilişim 500 Research!

The results of the 2023 Bilişim 500 – Top 500 IT Companies Research have been announced. According to the research data, the total revenue of Turkey’s leading 500 IT companies reached 716 billion TL, showing a 93% growth compared to the previous year. This rapid growth in the sector once again highlights the impact of dynamic changes and technological developments in the IT world.

The results of the Bilişim 500 Research, held for the 25th time this year with the motto “The universe abhors a vacuum,” were announced at the award ceremony held on Wednesday, August 7, at Istanbul Beyoğlu Grand Pera – Emek Sahne. Awards were given in six main categories within the research: “Distributor Category Awards,” “System Integrator and Business Partner Category Awards,” “Internationally Based Manufacturer / Manufacturer Representative Category Awards,” “Turkey-Based Manufacturer Category Awards,” “Bilişim 500 Plus Awards,” and “Special Awards for Contribution to the Turkish Economy.”

According to the 2023 Bilişim 500 Results, Data Market achieved significant successes and ranked highly in several categories. Our rankings by category are as follows:

– System Integrator and Business Partner – Hardware-Server: We ranked 1st!
– Top 500 IT Companies in Turkey: We are ranked 24th.
– System Integrators and Business Partner: We are ranked 5th.
– System Integrator and Business Partner Hardware: We are ranked 11th.
– System Integrator and Business Partner Software: We are ranked 3rd.
– System Integrator and Business Partner – Services – Consulting: We are ranked 6th.

We are proud of these achievements and aim to continue our success in the IT sector in the coming years. As Data Market, we will continue to contribute to the IT sector in our country.

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