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What should we consider when purchasing Industry 4.0 and IoT Solutions?


The, “Internet of things”, draws attention for being one of the most important trends in a changing world. One of the key stones of the fourth industrial revolution, called Industry 4.0, is the Internet of Things technologies that enable the use of machine-to-machine communication to increase traceability, and to save costs and labour.

Therefore, we as individuals or corporations, have different purchasing experiences in this technology age and we purchase different systems to meet our needs. Industry 4.0 and IoT technologies do not occupy a big part in the purchasing experience of individuals or companies. For this reason, we have endeavoured to turn this experience into a form for companies with low or no level of purchasing experience regarding Industry 4.0 solutions and for those who consider this a concern yet see the opportunity and allow them to see the output quickly and understand and explain the value of what they purchase. At Data Market, we have applied this specifically on our platform called Industry IoT, which enables the monitoring of industrial activities of facilities.

Our goal here is to easily, quickly and effectively collect the data of a machine with wireless sensors, process it quickly and make it visible the same day or the day after installation. And of course, to be able to process this as automatically as possible. In order to ensure this, we added smart sensory systems to our solution portfolio. Smart sensor sets can collect the data we need to read from the machines from the electrical components without interacting with the automation system of the machines. Since it does this wirelessly and transmits the data wirelessly again, we do not need to conduct any wiring on the machine. This also allows us to make retrofit dressing within hours; even our customers can do this themselves.

Therefore, within hours, we are able to collect the required amount of net data from the machine, and our wireless sensors transmit the data to our gateways placed on the field. Gateways communicate with our servers and transmit to them the data they collected. Depending on the conditions of daily life, when there is an interruption during the data transmission process, sensors intelligently store the unsent data on themselves. When gateways are unable to transmit the data to the servers, then the gateways store the unsent data on themselves and transmit to our system as soon as possible. Hence, with an uninterrupted data transmission, we are able to collect sufficient amount of sensible data. And at this stage, by demonstrating the most critical data to our customers that affect the operation, we allow our customers to rapidly step into this world. We aim to easily complete their competency in their purchasing experience and increase their awareness.

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