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Zoho Campaigns

Zoho Campaigns enables businesses to create, manage, and analyze effective email marketing campaigns. With its comprehensive features, it helps you build strong connections with your target audience, achieve higher conversions, and optimize your marketing strategies.

Campaign Management

Create impactful and customizable campaigns tailored to your audience.

Detailed Analytics

Track and improve your campaign performance with in-depth metrics.


Optimize your processes with time-saving marketing automation tools.

Ready Made Designs

Choose from dozens of ready-to-use designs to suit your content.
With Zoho Campaigns

Targeted Campaigns

Automatically send emails based on the customer journey, providing a more personalized experience. For example, manage campaigns like product launches, welcome emails, or abandoned cart reminders effortlessly.

With Zoho Campaigns


Reach your audience by creating specific groups based on demographics, purchasing habits, or interests. Use customer data to segment your audience and provide tailored content for each group.

With Zoho Campaigns

Engaging and Customizable Templates

Create impactful email designs tailored to your brand using ready-made templates. These templates are fully customizable and can be easily edited using a drag-and-drop interface.

A/B Testing

Test different versions of your campaigns to determine which performs better and optimize your results.

Reporting and Analytics

Analyze metrics like open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates through detailed reports.

Responsive Email Designs

Optimize your email templates for both desktop and mobile devices.
About Zoho Campaigns

Frequently Asked Questions

Who can use Zoho Campaigns?
Zoho Campaigns is suitable for businesses of all sizes, from small businesses to large enterprises. It is designed for anyone looking to strengthen their marketing communication and create more effective campaigns.
What integrations does Zoho Campaigns support?
Zoho Campaigns integrates seamlessly with other Zoho products like Zoho CRM, Zoho Desk, and Zoho Survey. It is also compatible with popular tools like Google Workspace, MailChimp, Shopify, and Salesforce.
Is Zoho Campaigns available on mobile devices?
Yes, Zoho Campaigns offers iOS and Android apps, allowing you to manage your campaigns and analyze results easily on the go.
How does automation work in Zoho Campaigns?
Zoho Campaigns analyzes customer interactions to create triggered email workflows. This ensures continuous customer engagement while reducing workload.
How does segmentation work in Zoho Campaigns?
Zoho Campaigns allows you to divide your audience into specific groups using customer data. Sending tailored content to these groups leads to more effective results.
How can I perform reporting and analysis in Zoho Campaigns?
Zoho Campaigns provides real-time tracking of your campaign performance. Detailed reports help you make strategic decisions and optimize campaign outcomes.
Does Zoho Campaigns offer design tools?
Yes, Zoho Campaigns features a user-friendly drag-and-drop interface, enabling you to create templates easily and design mobile-friendly layouts.

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